SA 8000:2014
The SA8000 is the first international standard in terms of Company Social Responsibility: its application, on a voluntary basis, shall include compliance with a set of minimum requirements in terms of human and social rights, compliance with which is subjected to evaluation third party, being evaluated by an external authority independent and accredited to issue the relevant certification.
The international standard testifies values that have always been inherent in the way of doing business in Camillo Sirianni Sas: the Company certified by SA8000 demonstrates to operate in respect for human rights, without resorting to child labor or forced to that, to guarantee a health and safety level of workers protection and to recognize the complex of their rights, refraining from discriminatory behavior, ensuring hours of work, pay levels and possible regularly disciplinary procedures, respecting the right to collective bargaining and freedom of association.
The certified Company is also committed to watch over that similar behaviors are adopted by their own suppliers.
The Camillo Sirianni s.a.s. obtained the first certification in 2009.