Sirianni University is a line of products designed to furnish University Classrooms and great community areas. Desk and seats are entirely designed and manufactured in the factory, with the help and the counseling of national and international experts in the field: all the products respect the ergonomic and anthropometric principles issued by the European Standard (EN) and the International (ISO ). Products value is guaranteed by a strict management system, from raw material purchase, exclusively Italian, to metal and wood processing, to painting, to packaging and shipment.
The monoblock systems desk and seat for University Classrooms are designed and produced by Camillo Sirianni to allow for optimizing spaces, ensuring a correct posture, thanks to the integrated seat- writing top system.
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Camillo Sirianni S.a.s.
Loc. Scaglioni, 30 z.i. - 88049 Soveria Mannelli (Cz)
hidden +39 (0) 968 662147 hidden +39 (0) 968 666057